Last updated on: July 15, 2023

Please review this Terms of Service agreement (the “Terms of Service”) carefully. By using the services provided through (the “Site”), or any associated mobile applications, (each a “Service,” and collectively, the “Services”) of TicketX US, inc. (“TicketX,” “us,” “our,” and “we”), you agree to the following Terms of Service. The following Terms of Service applies to all users of the Services. By clicking on any “I Accept,” “Sign Up,” “Create Account,” or other similar buttons, completing the account registration process, browsing the website, or downloading TicketX’s mobile application (the “Mobile App”), as may be applicable, you agree that you are entering into a binding contract with TicketX. You also represent that: (a) you have read, and understand and agree to be bound by the Terms of Service and any other agreements incidental to our provision of Services to you; (b) you are of legal age to enter into a binding agreement with TicketX; and (c) you have the authority to enter into these Terms of Service personally or on behalf of an entity or company you have named as the user, and to bind such company to these Terms of Service. The term “you” and “your” refers to any person, whether an individual or an entity (including, but not limited to a corporation, LLP, or LLC) that has registered as a user of our Services. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO BE BOUND BY THESE TERMS OF SERVICE, YOU MAY NOT ACCESS OUR SERVICES AND YOU MUST IMMEDIATELY DELETE AND TERMINATE SUCH USE. ANY CONTINUED USE SHALL BE DEEMED AND CONSTRUED AS ACKNOWLEDGEMENT AND ACCEPTANCE OF THE TERMS CONTAINED HEREIN, AND AGREEMENT TO BE BOUND BY THESE TERMS OF SERVICE.

NOTICE: Please be aware that Section 14 of these Terms of Service, below, contains provisions governing how claims are resolved that you and TicketX may have against each other, including, without limitation, any claims that arose or were asserted prior to the effective date of the Terms of Service. IN PARTICULAR, IT CONTAINS AN ARBITRATION AGREEMENT WHICH WILL, WITH LIMITED EXCEPTIONS, REQUIRE DISPUTES BETWEEN US TO BE SUBMITTED TO BINDING AND FINAL ARBITRATION. You may opt-out pursuant to the terms, but if you do not in a timely manner: (a) you will only be permitted to pursue claims and seek relief against us on an individual basis, not as a plaintiff or class member in any class or representative action or proceeding; and (b) you are waiving your right to seek relief in a court of law and to have your claims heard before a jury.

Your use of, and participation in, the Services may be subject to additional terms which are provided to you through various links. Any applicable additional terms shall be identified to you in this Terms of Service, or may be presented to you for your acceptance when you sign up to use such Services. Where there are any inconsistencies with the Terms of Service and such additional terms, the additional terms shall control with respect to the specific Services being utilized. Collectively, these Terms of Service, TicketX’s privacy policies and any additional terms shall be referred to as the “Terms.” Any definitions or terms used herein shall include both their singular and plural forms, as applicable.

ALL TERMS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE, REVISION, OR MODIFICATION BY TicketX AT ITS SOLE DISCRETION AND AT ANY TIME. If you do not agree to any such modifications after receiving notice of such modifications, you must immediately delete and terminate such use of Services. Otherwise, any use thereafter shall be deemed and construed as acknowledgement and acceptance of, and agreement to be bound to the Terms, as modified. We strongly recommend that you regularly review these Terms of Service and any applicable additional terms for any updates.